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jueves, 31 de enero de 2008


In what amounts to little more than a throwaway line in an interesting article detailing the between between the principals of DreamWorks and its current parent company, Paramount, we're given confirmation on when we should expect to see the sequel to this summer's Transformers. With the film grossing over $700 million worldwide (and a big DVD release on the way that will shovel more money into the coffers), a Transformers 2 was a foregone conclusion. And now, thanks to LA Times scribe Claudia Eller, we know that Summer 2009 is when it's set to hit screens. Both Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay are signed on, according to the article.

Those of you who loved/hated the wall-to-wall making-of coverage while the first film was in production should prepare for more of the same in 2008. After all, the TF sequel should include new robots and new cars for us to gab about. Maybe the second time around, GM will even have some on-screen company from other carmakers, too.


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