Hasbro will be fulfilling the fantasies of many a Transformers fan when they release the Optimus Prime Voice Changer Helmet later this year to coincide with the summer release of the movie. This is a long time in coming, and probably ranks just behind the Darth Vader Voice Changer Helmet in terms of desirability. No matter how you sound like, you can voice out your opinions in the powerful tones of Optimus himself, although there is still a lot of work to be done when trying to transform your physique into that of a trailer truck. Other than Optimus' voice, you can also choose to spew out Battle Phrases and Conversion sounds as you let your imagination run wild.
Robots in disguise - literallyby Stuart Miles published on 1 March 2007Fans of Transformers are to given the chance tobe Optimus Prime with Hasbro's latest toy releasedue out later this year.The Optimus Prime Voice Changer Helmet, worksin a similar way to the Doctor Who Cybermanhelmet released last year and converts the mostgentle of voices into the powerful, fearless tonesof Optimus himself.It also includes two other modes: Battle Phrasesand Conversion Sounds.No budding Optimus Prime is complete withoutthe Optimus Prime Battle Rig! To the untrainedeye it looks like an innocent everyday free-wheeling truck, but when it's time to battle oneswift movement catches the evil Decepticons bysurprise as the truck converts into OptimusPrime's foam dart firing blaster!Hasbro has said that it will also launch a series ofmovie action figures to commemorate this newTransformers era.Select action figures this year will featureAutomorph Technology that enhances the vehicleto robot conversion of both the Autobot andDecepticon warriors. Moving one part of the robotor vehicle causes other parts to move, makingarmor plates and weapons shift automatically.Movie Leader Optimus Prime also featuresAdvanced Automorph ó an automatic conversionthat triggers both lights and authentic sounds.
Articulo extraido de Übergizmo
Un casco que te cambia la voz y puedes hablar como Optimus Prime??, wauuuuu
1 comentario:
Tres intiresno, gracias
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